Sunday, April 12, 2020


Inside (A poem? A song? A lament?)

You start to notice things in new ways, when you have nothing else to notice. 
The way the sun breaks through shadowing glass, the way the hum of the fan echoes. 
The feel of a sheet against your skin, the rough touch of a quilt. 
Follow the edges of the seams with your fingertips. 
There is nothing else to do but notice. 

On the counter, a jar you never saw before
What’s inside? Mystery seed or spice or leftover tea. 
Live dangerously and consume it, why not. 
The world hardly seems worth fighting for these days. 
Might as well take the risk. 

In the morning, a lizard does his dance 
Push-ups on the tree limb, catching light.
Tan of his skin turning mustard in the sun. 
He’s wondering about the silence, the vanishing sounds-
There is nothing else to do but notice. 

Perfect mango starts to mold and
In the press of handprint, turn green and dark-
While across the way, a stranger sings,
You can’t begin to know the words but
A child joins in on a flute, just softly, just so. 

Evenings the floor feels sticky or dusty or warm
And every time, it surprises. 
A gold hoop of an earring is found 
The lost favorite t-shirt, discovered. 
There is nothing else to do but notice. 

Mid-day light is different then morning light which is different then 2:34 light.
Heat rises and falls and floats on breezes, somehow. 
The oven makes a popping sound 
Contracting when I turn it off
The steel sighs a breath of relief 

Life will begin again, someday
The rush, the sounds, the hum of need,
And the blindness may come again.
When we have everything, and forget to see. 

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